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Patterns currently unavailable

 Hi everyone! I know this isn't the kind of update you were hoping to see, but I wanted to make a post just to clear the air a bit and fill everyone in: As of July 11th, I have removed all of my patterns from this blog and from Ravelry. While this move is temporary, I need some time to decide how I would like to proceed in regards to sharing my patterns. This is likely news to most of you: recently, it was discovered that someone decided to steal my patterns, translate them, and redistribute them on an Etsy-like website. It's pretty hurtful when someone steals your work and doesn't give any credit to the original owner. It's doubly hurtful when they have decided to profit off and monetize your hard work. I have a wonderful community of followers on Instagram who brought the theft to my attention & report it. I am happy to report it has been removed! I think in some respects, it can be seen as a flattering thing. Hey, your patterns are good enough that they're

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